F1B Mini Goldendoodles Maggie and Rocki, 1 Male Available
Mother: Maggie
Father: Rocki
Date of Birth: January 21
Ready For New Homes: March 25
Estimates Mature Weight: 15-20 Pounds
Maggie is a fun loving and very loyal. She has a very vibrant personality and loves everyone she meets. She enjoys car rides, time hanging out in the office, running the grounds, and of course nap time! She weighs 25-30 pound at her normal weight. She has a curly hair coat which you can see has been passed along to her pups. Because of this, we fully expect them all to be non shedding.
Rocki is the man! He is smart, active, playful, and full of energy. He is s rising star in our program because he consistently produces pups with nice white markings.
Maggie and Rocki—-Cupid knew what he was doing pairing up these two!
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